The ‘Man in Trends’ or ‘A Trend Setter in Itself’ Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh is a personality who resonates in the society by his surprising yet remarkable actions. Where some know Baba Ram Rahim Ji in the face of a ‘Guru’ there are some others who call him a celebrity, singer, actor, director, music composer & even as a rehabilitator. I think there would hardly be any person who has not heard his name once in lifetime. Though he is behind the bars, he is still making regular trends on Twitter and the media talks didn’t scoop off the trust of his followers in him.
This unshakable spirit of his followers & their ever-rising trust in him compels everyone to reconsider all about Gurmeet Singh itself. He is known as a catalyst whose one signal can make an unusual wave everywhere, especially on social media.
Well, these entire talks aside, just as a famous person is not only as shown to the world, some secrets and unknown facts are there invariably that makes their complete personality. He also has some secrets that are not known to the public at large. Let us appraise some of the unknown facts causing the reality of Singh! Have a look!
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Acquainting You with Something You Know!
Before heading towards Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh’s unknown talents and facts, let us introduce some of the well-known facts of his. Baba Ram Rahim comes from quite a humble background. He took birth on August 15, 1967, in Ganganagar, a small town of Rajasthan. He is the only child of his parents and had a farming background.
At the age of just 23, he was chosen as the successor of Dera Sacha Sauda by Shah Satnam Singh (second successor) in September 1990. After that he took all the initiatives to save the mankind from all odds.
Today, he is well known as an actor, director, writer, singer, lyricist, DOP, choreographer, a saint, and his many other roles are famous. But today we will make you acquaint with something unknown about him. Read till the end!
Get now the Unseen, Unknown and Unbelievable Facts about Baba Ram Rahim!
A Whooping Player of 32 National Games!
Yes, you hear it right! He is the player of 32 national games and even has contributed amazingly in these. So, let us introduce you to this unique secret of him.
He has trained the Indian roller skating team who won & raised the glory of nation with the Asia Cup. They all call him ‘Papa Coach’. The roller skating players follow the tactics taught by him and still winning at international levels and raising the country’s prestige everywhere.
Have you heard about ‘Gulstick’? This is again the game introduced by Gurmeet Ram Rahim, which is a successful blend of Baseball, GulliDanda (a traditional Indian game) and Cricket. He introduced ‘Attha’ in the game that means eight runs just as sixer gives you six runs. The rules of the game are so amazing that you will try to play after going through all.
Well, numerous pages will fill up and words will finish out explaining his exemplary talent in sports. He is an excellent player in Kabaddi, Volleyball, Basketball, Roller Skating, and has the finest talent in Yoga and Martial Arts too. Above all, the list of his talents is unspeakable.
Gym Enthusiast, Really?
This might be a point that can put you in perplex! A saint and gym can’t ever be a combination, right? But you see this saint is different. He regularly does gym and exercise to stay fit. Wondering? Well, hold your breathes as you will awestruck after knowing his shoulder shrugs weight.
As per the sources, a national level bodybuilder was giving training to Singh at his premises (at Singh’s personal gym). That person does 150kg shoulder shrug and Baba did 250kg shrug in front of him. He was awestruck and left giving training him by saying there’s no need to teach Guruji, instead I should learn from him.
And, do you know the reason behind his extra powerful body? As per Singh, he ate quintals of Desi Ghee during his childhood and recited God’s name since then, which he claims is the reason for his endless power! Unbelievable!
Turned Out Drug-Addicts into International Champions!
There’s no need to say that Baba is working relentlessly to remove the drug from the society. But besides removing their addiction, making them capable of international challenges is a thing really needs attention.
A common adage, ‘a person’s capability is not judged by his age, but by his passion and work’ perfectly suits this person whom I am going to introduce here, and the name of the person is Ilam Chand. As per the life story of Ilam Chand, he was a massive drug addict.
It is said that he was carried on a cot to Dera premises as he was not in a position to walk on his own. The reason was drug addiction. He was incapable of walking, thinking and behaving like a normal person. He was around 55 of age at that time. Doctors warned him after watching TB and Cancer symptoms in him, but he was hapless.
When Baba Ram Rahim came to know about him, he took the complete responsibility to free him from this addiction. Besides giving him Gurumantra (Method of Meditation), he taught him about yoga and Athletics. With continuous practice and consistent guidance, he took part in several national and international level competitions of yoga & athletics. For your wonder, he won 73 medals on international and national levels! Whoa!
Still, at the age of 83, he is continually participating every time he gets the chance and gives complete credit to MSG.
There is an abundance of similar live stories that elaborate this positive twist in life, which brought an impossible change that none can ever think even.
Designer of Iconic Buildings!
Two Cricket Stadiums, Lush Soccer Field, Roller Skating Stadiums, Olympic sized Pools, advanced Hospital building (in heart shape), Hockey Fields, buildings of schools, colleges, London affiliated International School buildings, resort, whoa..! Let us not concentrate which ones, instead get the crux that all building of Dera premises is designed and single-handedly led by Baba.
Adding ears to buildings, elephants to doors, pens & rackets to the main entrance and many more unexpected things added to the buildings make them wonder in itself.
Driving Tractor at the Age of 7?
When children demand toys to play with, at that age, Singh started driving a tractor to help his father in farming. Yes, either believe it or not, but that’s true!
At the age of 7, he started riding a tractor. It was famous among the villagers that Namberdaar’s (Singh’s father) tractor comes alone because none could ever see who is driving the tractor. From the side, this young lad didn’t get visible at all. At the age of nine, he took the whole responsibility of his father regarding farming work. He was the youngest farmer in the whole village. This seems unbelievable for a child being so responsible, but Singh’s villagers claim this fact being true!
Master of Singing!
Who doesn’t love versatile singers? Singh’s singing talent is worth mentioning here because he has the talent of singing in different genres either Jazz, Hip-hop, Classic, and all. Even if you have watched his MSG sequels of movies, he sang in six different voices in six songs, which absolutely makes him stand out. Baba Ram Rahim released an abundance of albums including ‘Love Rab Se’, ‘Network Tere Love Ka’, ‘Insan’, and how could I forget mentioning here ‘Love Charger’ the song that stolen not just his followers but every music enthusiast’s heart!
‘I am so lucky cord, You are my oh Love Charger…’ amazing indeed!
Besides singing, all the songs sung by him are written by him too. As per Baba, he usually writes two or three songs during his traveling time. It takes minutes to think, create and write a song! Wondered?
The hand behind ‘Third Gender’ Title!
You probably know that in the year 2014, the Supreme Court gave judgment in favor of Eunuchs and gave them a ‘Third Gender’ status which is a lost identity they were striving to have for long. But you possibly don’t know the man behind the petition filed in honorable SC.
Yes, you guess it right, it was Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh under whose inspiration PIL no. 604 was filed in the year 2013 by the Pujya Mata Naseeb Kaur Ji Insan Women Welfare Society of Dera Sacha Sauda and the rest is history.
It is here worth mentioning that in Dera premises, no one calls them eunuchs or hijra, chhikka or any other disrespectful names, instead, Baba gave them the name ‘Sukh-DuaSamaj’, which means the society of people who just pray for the goodness of all. None has thought to that level so far, I must say!
Agricultural Scientist!
Modern-day farming techniques guaranteeing assured earnings to farmers besides saving water have been taught to lacs of farmers by Baba Ram Rahim. Every year, the biggest ‘Kisan Mela’ is organized by Dera in which the modern techniques of organic farming and ways to get maximum from each acre of land.
Even after following the ways some of the farmers have been honored with the Rashtrapati Award. His ways are surely worth appreciating. None of us can ever think about growing crops on deserted land, but he has made it possible though. In Sirsa, where his Ashram premises are located, the whole land was deserted and now it has all sorts of plants & rare herbs grown that is a miracle in itself.
Untrained yet Excellent Shooter!
As per Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, he has shooting skills too. In his childhood, he has shown his shooting skills to his father who remained startled after watching it. Not just the childhood memories, instead of under his guidance one royal daughter (the adopted daughter who was abandoned by her parents) became the national shooter and raised the glory of the nation with her superlative performance.
His excellence in the shooting is rarely known by anyone, which is quite an interesting fact about him though.
Father of ‘Shubh-Devis’ and ‘Royal Daughters’
Well, you have surely been aware of who royal daughters and Shubh Devis is because this hot topic has remained in the news for long. For naïve, let me clarify, ‘Shubh Devis’ are those who have been saved by Guru from the mud of prostitution and adopted by him as his daughters. Whereas, royal daughters are those who have been abandoned by their parents on their birth and found either in the bushes or dustbins. Cruel people!
This person emerged out as a savior for them and even he addressed millions if you don’t want a daughter, please don’t kill her in the womb or make her the food of dogs, give her birth and he will take complete responsibility for their upbringing. And, he is doing it too well! These girls are living in a separate home named, ‘ShahiBetiaBasera’ which carries all the facilities for their living, besides their education and sports needs are also taken care of, which is itself a wondrous & praiseworthy thing.
Alongside, the girls fiercely pushed to prostitution are also welcomed by Singh as daughters. Besides leaving that hell, they are getting medical treatments whoever requires. And, the interesting part is they are getting married too with doctors, engineers and men with good backgrounds who are the followers of Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh. In short, he is fulfilling all the roles of a father for them! Applauding!
Exquisite Car Designer!
Car modifying and designing is baba’s right-hand game. You will be awestruck after watching the exclusive range of cars he owns. By watching his cars you wouldn’t be able to gauge which car has been modified by him as the designs and looks of cars are so unique and relishing that you can’t think before. His cars have somewhat the looks of worldwide brands such as Hummer, Bugatti Veyron, and many others. But most of the designs are quite unique and Singh’s own production & design.
Some of these modified cars are Maruti Suzuki Gypsy, Ford Endeavour, Range Rover, Hyundai Santro and many others which were modified by him. People put fingers under their teeth, after watching his spectacular designs. His convoy of cars is worth watching!
Engineer Awardee, Whoa!
Very few people know Baba Ram Rahim is a hub of excellent engineering skills. He has been awarded the ‘Excellent Engineer Guidance Award’ by Automated Industry Pvt. Ltd., a Delhi based company. The company was facing issues in the non-functioning of six fountains in one go.
When they took their issue to Singh, he suggested to them an unthinkable way with which the company was able to function 130 fountains in one time, which was rather unbelievable for them. Even Baba claimed that it’s possible to run 1000 fountains in one go and with that very technique, these are functioned at Dera premises.
The company crew was startled and honor Baba for suggesting this unpredictable way to them.
Ayurveda Expert!
Very rare of you know that Baba Ram Rahim has intense knowledge of Ayurveda and has prepared several medicines which are itself a wonder. One such example is Ayurveda medicine created from rare herbs that can fix up the broken bones without any plaster or any other treatment.
This was just one example, SirsaDera premises hold several such medicines invented by Baba that are making impossible things possible. There’s also an Ayurvedic hospital named, Poojeneeya Mata AasKaurJi Hospital that has all the facilities of Ayurveda.
People across the world, come there and get treated without surgeries and elongate medical treatments. Even he has seeded some rarest herbs there which are serving in the best ways to treat several diseases.
An Ultimate Chef, Surprised?
Dera chief is an amazing chef and you will be amazed after watching his most delicious range of cuisines. Your tongue will get delighted by eating Pakodas (A kind of snacks), Jalebi (An Indian Dessert), and multi-flavored chutneys (sauces) and many more.
He is a perfect chef too, as per his followers!
Best Use of Movie Earnings!
Many of you know Baba Ram Rahim as MSG because of his movies. Movie stars earn in lakhs and there’s no doubt that MSG also had earned that much from his movies. However, the unusual fact here is, utilization of those earnings, which is worth mentioning here!
MSG did five movies and from the very first movie, he put his earnings to social causes. Not just one lakh or two, but even 50-75% of his earning to direct social cause. Besides spending earnings on overall welfare of public at large, he spent a considerable portion on Thalassemia and AIDS research, which will help in gauging new ways tackle these diseases and help the patients in curing themselves.
I think only a saint can do this and think to such a level!
Creator of Blood Pumps!
Blood Pumps? You might be wondering what it is as we hear about petrol pumps usually, but not blood pumps. Blood pumps are every that disciple of Baba who donates blood after every 3 months. Well, Baba Ram Rahim followers got this name as they are readily available to save their lives by donating their blood whenever & wherever required.
They just don’t care about their life when it comes to saving other’s lives. Kudos to this intense fervor they have to serve mankind. Not just the patient, but these pumps themselves go wherever requirement arises and fulfill the blood requirements.
Though media and news are speaking a lot of things which are hard to digest, these are the facts that we believe surely tweak your thoughts. It’s not possible for a person to be such a versatile one, but he actually is!
We hope, we have given a little bit in showing you another side of Ram Rahim which was a mystery for you all. Don’t forget to share it with your knowns and do comment below, and share your views regarding it!
He is really a great personality.
Great art… Superbbb
जो दुनिया चलाता उसके बारे मै जितना पढ़े कम हैं।
Mind master guruj
This article has really flabbergasted me how a person can do multiple works or how one can be so talented. He is really Super human, must say…
He is so talented. Done so much welfare work and good for mankind.
Dr MSG is a true caretaker of all universe he is doing also 134 works of humanity and also inspires to their followers to do humanity works for wellness of society