Categories Health & Fitness

Incredible Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is among the best known of all “allium vegetables”. “Allium” is actually the Latin word for garlic! Other commonly enjoyed foods that belong to this Allium genus are leeks, chives, scallions, Onion, and shallots. Garlic comes in several forms, from whole cloves and smooth pastes to powders and oil. It complements most dishes, particularly soups and sauces. 

Highly valued throughout the ages as a culinary spice, garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world.

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Benefits & Uses

In many countries, garlic has been used medicinally for centuries. Garlic is considered to provide a range of health benefits, both raw and cooked and has antibiotic properties. However, most believe that the medicinal value of garlic is best unlocked when it is consumed raw.

The sulfur compounds in garlic serve as its main nutrients. In addition, garlic is an excellent source of manganese and vitamin B6; a perfect source of vitamin C and copper; and a good source of selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B1 and calcium.

Garlic is one of the best kept medicinal treasures of the past era – it has been used as an antibiotic to treat bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. Currently, garlic is widely used for several conditions linked to the blood system and heart, including atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), high cholesterol, heart attack, coronary heart disease, and hypertension. Garlic is also used today by some people for the prevention of various types of Cancers. It is important to add that only some of these uses are backed by research.

We are listing few benefits that will make you include Garlic in your Diet.

  • Boosts immunity
  • Prevents Heart Diseases
  • Beneficial in regulating Blood Pressure & Sugar Levels
  • Helps in Cancer Prevention
  • Works as Antioxidant
  • Key to a Longer Life
  • Removes Toxins From Body
  • Prevents Hair Loss
  • Prevents Skin AgingWork as an anti-inflammatory

For maximum flavor and nutritional benefits, always purchase fresh garlic. Although garlic in flake, powder, or paste form may be more convenient, you will derive less culinary and health benefits from these forms.


Garlic’s health benefits are plenty, but do not add too much to your diet too quickly. Overdoing it can cause discomfort, including upset stomach, bloating, diarrhea, and bad breath. Asthma patients and people who are allergic to it should not consume garlic as it may have side-effects. Garlic should be avoided before surgeries or medical operations. 

In case of any allergy or reacting due to garlic, Consult the Doctor immediately.

A friendly tip If you love eating raw garlic but hate the lingering aftertaste, try chewing Parsley or Mint– they works very well as a breath freshener. You can go for Other Good Freshener including Yogurt, Apples, Cinnamon & Berries.

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